Sometimes the Common App experiences technical issues that can add stress to an already stressful process. Here are some that have been reported over the last few years, and how to avoid and/or work through them.
1. Be Aware of Admissions Deadline “Traffic Jams”
After-school and Sunday afternoons are the Common App equivalent of rush hour. So are the 24 hours immediately preceding major due dates for early admission applications and regular admission applications. This means the software can be slow, glitchy, and crash as it tries to keep up with the traffic.
Your best bet? Try to work on the app during atypical hours!
2. Don’t Write and Format Your Essay in the Text Boxes
To make sure your essay is error free, be sure to write and edit your personal statement (also known as your essay) in a Word or Google doc and not from within the tiny text box. Here’s what to keep in mind:
Use a recognizable typeface (nothing fancy). It should be single-spaced with a double-space between paragraphs (two hard returns), and with no indents.
Break up line paragraphs into smaller groupings of sentences. The Common App counts words (650), not spaces.
Any formatting (italics, bold, underline) should be done directly to the document and not in the box.
Once you’re completely satisfied with the document, copy-and-paste it directly into the box. You can see how it really looks later, when you produce a Print Preview.
3. Invite Your Recommenders
Most Common App colleges either require or allow for you to have a number of recommendations submitted on your behalf.
Once you have agreed to the FERPA waiver, you’ll be prompted to enter information on your school counselor as well as any teachers or “others” who have agreed to write recommendations.
Ask your recommenders in advance if they will be submitting electronically or by paper.
If they indicate that they’ll be submitting by paper, enter only their names and titles. Do not enter their email addresses. If you enter an email address, your recommender may have to respond electronically.
You will then be provided with personalized offline forms you can download and hand to your counselor and/or recommenders (don’t forget stamped, addressed envelopes to go along with).
4. Don’t Forget the Writing Supplement
Looking for a quick and easy way to determine which of your colleges require the submission of additional essays?
Click on the “My Colleges” tab. If you see “Writing Supplement” as an option underneath any of your schools, you’ll definitely have additional writing to complete.
If you don’t see “Writing Supplement” under a particular school’s name, there’s still a chance that extra essays are required. Sometimes essays don’t show up until after you’ve selected a particular major or unique academic program (such as a combined BS/MD or honors program).
5. Select Your Academic Interest (s)
On most school specific supplements, students are asked to identify one or two (or possibly more) areas of academic interest. Amherst’s question reads, “Please indicate your primary academic interest,” while Bard’s is worded, “What academic program at Bard College interests you?”
In both of these cases, be aware that not all of the choices available on the drop down menu are actual majors offered by that institution.
So, as you’re making your academic selections, do yourself a favor and double-check the school’s website.
If you can confirm that your academic area of interest is indeed available, by all means choose it. If not, select a similar major or simply opt for “Undecided.”
6. Update Your Common App Personal Statement (Essay)
Students are allowed to make unlimited corrections to their main essay.
After you submit your application to School A, you can “unlock” your essay to make any necessary edits. Then you can submit it to school B, and so on.
To edit the personal essay, go back into the Common App tab and click on the Writing section. Click within the text box and make any changes that are needed. Be sure to save changes by clicking “Continue” when finished.
The rest of your application can also be edited and changed an unlimited number of times.
7. Check the Print Preview
The Print Preview comes up at the end of the process. You must earn all your green checks before a button will appear allowing you to generate the preview.
This is where you can see how well your essay has survived the text box and if any of your information has been deleted from the application.
If information is mysteriously missing or if your essay doesn’t look right, go back and delete your previous entries and try reentering the essay or data.
If problems persist, restart your computer, check your system and change browsers if necessary. If that doesn’t work, contact the Common Application Help Desk. Hint: Print out and date your Print Preview just before submitting so that you have a hardcopy record of the document—just in case!
8. Do Not Pay Twice
This has been a problem in the past, and if you’ve already made the mistake of entering credit card information two times—you’re not alone and the Common App promises to arrange for refunds.
To avoid the issue, simply don’t pay twice.
Sometimes entering credit card information and receiving a receipt of payment will not uncover the “signature” page. If you are not immediately directed to sign your application, be patient. The Common App warns that it may take 24 to 48 hours for a card to clear their system.
After 48 hours, go to the Help Desk if it has not been resolved.
9. Check for Green Checkmarks and Red X’s
It’s been reported that some people get the following message when they think they’re done with their application: In order to begin the submission process, you must first have the following items completed…”
So how do you know what’s still missing from your application?
Unfortunately, blank fields aren’t highlighted in a visually striking way, and it can be a little tedious trying to find the one final question that still needs an answer.
Our suggestion?
Click on the “Common App” tab first. If any of the items to the left lack a green checkmark, select it. Then click in the first drop down box you see. Hit the “tab” key on your keyboard until a red X appears, indicating a required field you inadvertently missed.
Alternatively, just scour the screen for those tiny red asterisks, as those also indicate questions that must be answered.
Once you see six green checkmarks to the left, follow the same procedure under the “My Colleges” tab. Once every item has a green checkmark beside it, you should be free to submit your application.
10. Sign Your Application
Your application is NOT submitted until you have typed your name into the signature space.
Because of the payment problem outlined above, it may not be evident that this is the next step in the process. But it is and you must complete the process.
Please do not neglect to sign your application.
Once you have completed your submission, a green check should appear.
If you are uncertain for any reason, send an email to the admissions office to make sure the application has been received
They know there are often problems with the Common Application and won’t think poorly of you for asking—really.
For secrets to a great Common App, watch our popular tutorial.
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