
Things to Bring to College: Clothes, Dorm Decor, Bedding, Electronics, and More

Tonya Holly

Tonya Holly, a joyous mother of four amazing sons; and married over thirty years. She and her husband pride themselves on finding creative way to save money, so they can enjoy living a debt free life. Ironically, her favorite past time is undeniably shopping but she really enjoys writing, giving advice, entertaining guest and serving her community. Tonya is passionately writing a variety of educational and inspirational titles; a true testimony that DREAMS HAVE NO EXPIRATION DATE! . Follow her on FB & visit her at https://tonyaholly.wixsite.com/tonyaholly

Articles by Tonya

Things to Bring to College: Clothes, Dorm Decor, Bedding, Electronics, and More

July 22, 2023

Many parents find that their college-bound kids may not be the most practical packers. This article provides valuable insights into…

12 Steps to Take if You Haven’t Saved Enough for College

June 24, 2020

This was our story… Spring break was over, and so was our son’s senior year…almost. We spent most of high…

Saving for College: How and When to Start

September 26, 2019

When I was pregnant with my first child, I remember other parents saying “You better start saving for college the…

When and How Do You Start to Save for College?

September 26, 2019

Like many engaged couples, Keith and I discussed the things we wanted to do, places we wanted to go on…