
A Guide to Preparing for College Admissions Testing

college admissions testing

A Guide to Preparing for College Admissions Testing

Published October 18, 2021 | Last Updated June 29th, 2024 at 04:22 pm

college admissions testing

Many high school students find college admissions testing stressful, but the right preparation can ensure a positive test day experience and good scores. There are several different tools and resources out there to help students prepare for standardized tests like the SAT and ACT. With this guide, you can help your child feel more confident about their college entrance exams.

What Is Standardized Testing in College Admissions?

Standardized college entrance exams have existed for over a century. By the early 1960s, hundreds of thousands of students took the SAT and/or ACT. Today, these tests have lost favor in some academic circles for various reasons. In addition to cheating scandals, studies indicate privileged students who have access to private tutors and other resources perform better on the SAT and ACT. This means that tests may not accurately measure intelligence or college readiness. 

With these recent controversies over the fairness of standardized tests, the SATs and ACTs aren’t as essential for high school students as they used to be. If your child is planning to take them, there are several things they can do to prepare.

The Different Types of College Admissions Testing

The two most well-known entrance exams are the SAT and the ACT. There is also the  Preliminary SAT (PSAT), which is important for students who want to practice for the SAT and potentially qualify for the National Merit Scholarship. 

Many universities have switched to a test-optional or test-blind admissions process. It’s important to understand what these terms mean and the differences because it may affect your child’s decision on where to apply.

What Is the PSAT?

The College Board, the administrator of the SAT, also offers the PSAT—also known as the National Merit State Qualifying Test (NMSQT)—which is divided into three sections: math, writing and language, and evidence-based reading.

Most students take the PSAT during their sophomore or junior year of high school, but freshmen can also take it. Possible PSAT scores range from 320 to 1520, and students in the 99th percentile are eligible for the National Merit Scholarship.

Many educators recommend that students take the PSAT because it can help prepare them for the SAT. Several PSAT prep resources are available, from online practice tests to private tutoring. 

A PSAT tutor can help students improve their test-taking skills and improve their reading and math knowledge. Hiring a tutor may be helpful if you are trying to ensure your child qualifies for the National Merit Scholarship.

What Is the SAT?

Administered by the College Board, the SAT is a standardized test that scores students based on their performance in two areas: Math and Verbal. The Math portion is divided into two sections: a 25-minute section where calculators aren’t allowed and a 55-minute section where students can use calculators. The Verbal score comes from two sections: Reading Comprehension and Writing (Grammar). 

Students are not penalized for guessing an answer on the SAT, and scores range from 400 to 1600. In 2019, the average SAT score was 1059, so any score higher than that is above average. 

However, figuring out what makes a good SAT score is a little more complicated. For example, if your child plans to apply to an Ivy League school where most students have outstanding test scores (the Harvard average is 1515), they’ll need to get a much higher score than they’d need for a state university.

Most students benefit from a college test prep plan specifically designed for the SAT. Practice tests are available, and there are many test prep books and online courses. 

Students can also consider SAT tutoring where they get individualized attention and a personalized test prep plan. Tutors usually cover more than just standard math and reading topics. They help students learn skills that apply to the SAT, specifically:

  • Time-efficient ways to answer multiple-choice questions
  • Proven test-taking strategies
  • The most common mistakes made on the SAT
  • How to quickly eliminate wrong multiple-choice answers

Even if your student has high math and English grades, you may want to consider hiring a tutor. A test prep tutor can help your child prepare to perform at their best on test day.

Whether your SAT prep plan includes hiring a tutor or giving your child resources for self-directed study, make sure you schedule the right test day. Choose a test date that allows enough preparation time and gives your child their scores in time for college application deadlines. The College Board website has a complete list of SAT dates.

What Is the ACT?

The ACT is the other big college entrance exam. Some universities only look at SAT or ACT scores, and some will consider both. ACT scores can range from 1 to 36, and the average score is 20.6. Anything above 24 could be considered a good ACT score , indicating the top 25 percent. However, for a selective Ivy League school, students may need a score in the 30s to be competitive. 

Understanding the difference between the ACT and SAT is essential when deciding which one is better to take. Like the SAT, the ACT tests both math and English skills, but there are some significant differences. 

  • Based on the number of questions and the time limits, the ACT gives students less time per question
  • The ACT has a Math section and a Science section instead of two Math portions like the SAT
  • The ACT also has an English section that covers grammar and a Reading section that focuses on reading comprehension

There are several ACT preparation options, including online courses and tutoring. ACT tutors can help students prepare specifically for the test in several ways:

  • Giving tips for answering questions faster without lowering accuracy
  • Brushing up on topics for the Science section
  • Countering common ACT test prep mistakes
  • Explaining the process of elimination method for multiple-choice tests

A tutor can significantly improve the SAT/ACT prep process for many students. If your child is highly self-motivated, however, they may be able to prepare effectively with online resources and practice tests.

When making a test prep plan, allow plenty of time before the test date. You may want to consider an ACT date at the end of junior year so your child can retake it before college application deadlines. Here’s a complete list of SAT and ACT test dates and registration deadlines.

How Important Are Test Scores in the Admissions Process?

When it comes to test scores, each school has its own policy. Scores are reviewed to understand how well a student might do in college. They are just one part of your child’s admissions packet. 

With current controversies and pandemic-related testing issues, some universities have opted to change to a test-optional admissions process. Test-optional colleges don’t require students to take standardized tests or submit their scores as part of their application. These schools make their admissions decisions based on the following:

  • A student’s grades
  • GPA
  • Recommendation letters
  • Extracurricular activities
  • A personal essay rather than SAT or ACT scores

If your student struggles with standardized tests but can create a strong application with their grades, GPA, and extracurriculars, you may want to look for test-optional colleges. The R2C Insights tool makes it easy to find such schools.

What Is a Test-Blind College?

A test-blind school takes the idea of test-optional even further. Test-blind universities don’t factor in test scores at all. Even if your child chooses to take the SAT or ACT, a test-blind school won’t look at the scores. 

While a test-blind university may be a good choice for students who genuinely struggle with traditional testing, it might not be the right choice for students who have excellent scores to share. Use the R2C Insights tool to compare admissions and test policies for the schools you’re considering.

How to Plan College Admissions Testing 

Admissions tests are only one facet of the college application process, but knowing how each school treats standardized tests may be an important factor in making plans. With R2C Insights, it’s easy to compare your child’s potential schools across numerous categories, including standardized tests. You can use the tool to find details about minimum score requirements or test-optional schools and use that information to help your child create the strongest possible application packet.


Use R2C Insights to help find merit aid and schools that fit the criteria most important to your student. You’ll not only save precious time, but your student will avoid the heartache of applying to schools they aren’t likely to get into or can’t afford to attend.  

👉 Looking for expert help on the road to college? See our Preferred Partner List!

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